Standard atmospheric pressure

美 [ˈstændərd ˌætməsˈferɪk ˈpreʃər]英 [ˈstændəd ˌætməsˈferɪk ˈpreʃə(r)]
  • 网络标准大气压力
Standard atmospheric pressureStandard atmospheric pressure
  1. A critical temperature of water is 100 degrees C & its boiling point at standard atmospheric pressure ; critical mass ; go critical .


  2. Establishes an empirical formula relating temperature to saturated humidity ratio under standard atmospheric pressure by means of polynomial regression . Analyzes the calculating error in common engineering temperature range , and the error is less than 2.1 percent .


  3. The freezing point of pure water at standard atmospheric pressure is32 F ( 0 C ) .


  4. The coating powder fabricated in this experiment , its antioxidation temperature is above 850 ° C , and it can satisfy the requirements of high temperature sintering at standard atmospheric pressure .


  5. Dependence of flashover voltage on gas pressure has been measured in vacuum and in atmospheric air using 10 / 30-nanosecond pulse power . The scope of gas pressure is between 8 × 10-4 Pa and standard atmospheric pressure .


  6. Test and Evaluation of the Uncertainty of Second-rate Standard Apparatus for Atmospheric Pressure


  7. The standard method with atmospheric pressure correction for distillation test of coking benzene products is studied . The distillation range of coking benzene products is defined .
